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Capstone Project

The online Master of Sustainable Transportation capstone project allows you to apply the knowledge gained over the course of the program and demonstrate mastery of the subject. The project is incorporated into the final three courses of the degree.

You'll select a topic of interest that relates to a current transportation issue, has a sustainability aspect and is designed to create a product that's useful in your career. Capstones could include one or more of the following elements:

  • Alternative mode study and application
  • Travel demand management applications and evaluations
  • Transit-oriented land-use designs
  • Environmental issues
  • Energy issues
  • Transportation equity concerns
  • Health and transportation usage
  • Freight transportation alternatives
  • Sustainability certification and evaluation 

The goal of the capstone is to produce a meaningful paper or a project that will help further your current or future career in the field of sustainable transportation. 

Project Partners

Depending on your capstone topic, you may match up with an outside adviser, or an advocacy group, company or agency that needs help with a sustainable transportation project. The capstone can be based in a local, regional, national or international setting, depending on your location and interest. 

Your capstone will include a final detailed report and presentation. You'll be assessed on the quality of your capstone report and online presentation, along with the professional application of your skills and knowledge to the project.